The Wizard and I.: March 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

This song... This song of mine will wind its music around you,
my child, like the fond arms of love.

This song of mine will touch your forehead
like a kiss of blessing.

When you are alone it will sit by your side and
whisper in your ear, when you are in the crowd
it will fence you about with aloofness......

Like this song so much... It's a song from choir and i like this partly because of thee super heart-warming poem, also for its harmonies. This song's super unique because it doesn't have the normal chord I, II, IV whatever shit that sounds 'normal', in fact it have chords that's like ABCDE played together at the same time. And it actually sounds really beautiful.

Hey term 2, be nice to me. Be nice to everyone around me:)

Monday, March 12, 2012


Let me get this straight.... Angry at me beacuse of me being clumsy and accident-prone? Dislike me because I am being myself (and yall doing the opposite?)

Best of all is I apologised and you said OK. So is it OK?

Seems legit! :)

IT'S CHOIR CAMP! Haha. Today was amazing. Marcus Tan being over zilian and keep on going grandly like "THE CHOIR MANISFESTO: 80 people, 4 sections, 1 voice, 1 choir." and then yeah, poses for the camera LOL. Really epic but at the same time i learnt a lot of things. Choir, time is running short. If we want to keep our standards up, 200% effort needs to be put in over the next 2 months. Jy! I love all of you :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Last week of school

Haha today was really hilarious! Almost late for assembly cos we were busying using our phones to SMS in class... not kidding! xie lao shi told us to do the opinion based question at the back of the book and then she was like "等一下... 把你们的手机拿出来." a bit shocked but we still did it, and she told us to type our opinion into our phones, then sms her and another friend on what you have written. So after everyone typed and sent/whatsapped her, Daniel was like "We should totally send this to Shawn together!" Shawn's away for competition so we were all like LOL and wrote his number on the board, everyone really sent it to him. Can't imagine his expression when he receives 20+ messages regarding 意大利少年 or whatever. HAHAHAHA. Love 2E!!

TOTAL RAGE over A lvl 'good results' off-day to be on a Friday lor :( Wed & thurs suck so much and then don't give those days off! It had to be on a CCA day T__T