I screwed chinese. Screwed Maths. Screwed Choir SYF Auditions, I think I really lost the grab in singing. (the last time I took voice grading and training was like 8 months ago already.) I'm beginning to think that I'm such a failure. Its so stressful lately. I'm like studying till 12 everyday.. until I actually fell sick haha -.- I suppose I couldn't cope (YET) or something.. So mummy kept my PC and itouch. Seriously it has nothing to do with with studying till late man, not at all. Most of the time I don't touch them at all. After all, I promised daddy that I will never let these devices control my studies right? Why don't you all trust me, all because I fell sick? How do you expect me to sleep earlier than 12 if I have to complete homework + revision every night, with Piano grades and overall commitments coming in?
I think im letting everyone down.
Im depresssed. Screw this.
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