Just so happy that I attained satisfying grades for EOY. They might not be the best, but to me, it's enough. I thought I'd get C for maths, really do. But all those hard work since the failure (yes, failure.) of CA1, I got an A. Omg I was like really shocked and felt my eyes tear up just that little bit. I sincerely believe that all those efforts.. were worth it.
Really pity the teacher who marked my History SBQ, he wrote like 5 ATQs in my paper and almost failed me :( sorry! Maybe next time you shouldn't give us weird empires with picture sources that are super unclear. Apparently the answers say that they were digging out a HUMAN HEART from the human being sacrificed but the picture kinda shows that the person performing the sacrifice is holding a round-bottomed flask -_-

Aesthetics Nite last night with AEP and MEP students :) You can see Mok and our artworks at the back *hehe* but other than that it was quite normal lah. The grand finale performance was quite... idk actually the night wasn't much of a success due to the aircon, mic and food problems. But whatever, nice way to end of 2 days of 打击 from the papers.
Currently watching gossip girl season 5 ^^
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