长话短说... Musical Promenade 2012 was a success!
It was awesome.
I absolutely enjoyed myself during the concert night, as well as the months of preparation that followed. Sure, we had our ups and downs which resulted in many of us pulling our hair off. But come to think of that, it was really worth it after all of us felt the awesome feeling when we step off a stage, knowing that we shined so brightly on it :D
That morning, it was open house so we had open house performance. Singing plaudite, lion and may it be. The acoustics were horrible but nevermind still attracted many people haha. :) After lunch, there was some last minute choreo fixing-up before we ran off to the PAC for rehearsal. And then zoom zoom ZOOM... the final one and half hours of prep was up. Everyone was running around to finish dinner, change into costumes, makeup/shower at the same time. By 6.45 or so Choir room was a frenzy of opened up baggages thrown everywhere, girls lining up the wall mirrors to makeup.. and there was a calm Ms Tham sitting in the middle of the room going: "I understand that it is important to look pretty, but it's important for your voice to sound pretty too." (Y) haha. We did warm ups and all with SHchoir and BOOM! WE'RE UP.
It was awesome.
I absolutely enjoyed myself during the concert night, as well as the months of preparation that followed. Sure, we had our ups and downs which resulted in many of us pulling our hair off. But come to think of that, it was really worth it after all of us felt the awesome feeling when we step off a stage, knowing that we shined so brightly on it :D
That morning, it was open house so we had open house performance. Singing plaudite, lion and may it be. The acoustics were horrible but nevermind still attracted many people haha. :) After lunch, there was some last minute choreo fixing-up before we ran off to the PAC for rehearsal. And then zoom zoom ZOOM... the final one and half hours of prep was up. Everyone was running around to finish dinner, change into costumes, makeup/shower at the same time. By 6.45 or so Choir room was a frenzy of opened up baggages thrown everywhere, girls lining up the wall mirrors to makeup.. and there was a calm Ms Tham sitting in the middle of the room going: "I understand that it is important to look pretty, but it's important for your voice to sound pretty too." (Y) haha. We did warm ups and all with SHchoir and BOOM! WE'RE UP.
I guess when we reached the backstage of PAC that was when all of the nervousness kicked in. I started to feel queasy, people showing signs of shuffling their feet and all... and then I looked around. I realised this was going to be the Y6s last concert. Shirlyn, Clement and Chikhim, we're never going to sing as one voice with them again. Seniors you guys are awesome! For a SH to try and get to know a newbie JH last year, you guys have broken down a boundary and definitely has a place in my heart :'( and then, I looked at the Y1s and thought, this is gonna be their first. concert. ever. and then to the Y4s, will they choose to sing with us as the combined choir next year? A million thoughts must have went through my head then. Everyone was like giving fist bumps and shoulder taps and all, I almost tripped with excitement when my row started moving for the door.

When it was intermission everyone ran off to change into their Phantom costume. When I was changed and just entered the choir room, all the girls were tying their hair and I was just like, CAN LET DOWN HAIR MEH. "Only half!" people randomly shouted. Then before you know it almost all the girls went to change their hairstyle. Now this is more like it, Christine Daae with her hair down...
So we went backstage and listened quietly for the SH Wicked, and I actually felt so happy for them when they belted out the last wicked. All of us were cheering for them, it was just so nice. Their choreo is 435x nicer than ours too. It's just sad that JH is dying to do wicked and the SH is dying to do Phantom, and we get opposites :( Angie was saying that the medly sounded AMAZING. I think so too!!
And then we are up again. It was just nice to see that everyone was smiling and really putting their heart and souls into the song, and when we collapsed at the last "Ah" and the lights went out, the cheers were astounding. Best finale indeed!! Then it was all the token of appreciation and all then the SH came up again. Then the best words of the night
"ENCORE!" x ihavenoideahowmanytimesitwasshouted
We were all laughing haha cause we expected it but nobody actually talked about preparing for it. Then suddenly the guys went "oh-wim-oh-weh" and we followed suit, LION SLEEPS TONIGHT again! It was so fun to move together, a 130 people choir on a stage meant for 80 people HAHAHA!! Then the audience started to scream when we went to the words and clapped along, although it was fail at first (the clapping.) haha, it was just awesome :')
Then when we are done there were still people who shouted encore again and I was really hoping someone considered doing the Banana Potato song. I mean, WE HAVE THE SCORES K but anyway, the MCs just went on ending the concert. The lights went on and you see people running down the aisle with flowers and balloons. So we were just smiling at the people who received stuffs when suddenly... a wild dad and mum appears. HAHA they actually bought a small bunch of flower for me! How nice of them :D Felt so happy and blessed then.
It was just amazing, when we went up to Choir room afterwards and Ms Fang, Ms Tham were all happy for us... we took pictures and all, I especially loved the group photo. We were really squashing each other and poor Bingyang (not sure haha) was being taupok-ed so badly he was squashed for how many photos. Haha. BLACK AND WHITE FTW! (The boys with black outfit, girls white dress :) )

And then, we unwillingly made our way home. There was major concert hangover the next day, and in two days time... it was the deaded
Oh boy, I'm gonna miss the year fours so much :'( You guys have helped me grow so much for the past two years and we've grown so close together, what are we gonna do without you D: When you guys came in and walked on the bubble wrap and you guys turned from year fours to four year olds straightaway... I was like oh man, we're gonna you all so much. And when we sang for good (Yes we borrowed the Wicked score from SH haaha), I really cried from the lyrics and the already crying faces of some of you :(