The Wizard and I.: Adios

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Hello all!

Camp was A W E S O M E. I got to meet many new friends who were very friendly and co operative :) also, the guys in our group are most nice OR funny, haha. (see what I did there. )

To me the biggest takeaway was dragon boating, it was fun to try out the different stunts on boat such as flinging our feet out into the water and all. Also, sit on the verge and rock the boat :P screamed our hearts out but hey, it was fun ^^ lastly, our group won the mini competition and I really learnt then that speed isnt everything. In fact, how effectively we used our strategies was. :) even Mr Chan afterwards was saying how this thing is an eye-opener!

So let's fast forward/rewind to the tents. It was not bad except for the presence of insects especially grasshoppers... Well, we were irked when we started pitching but due to time contains in setting off for orienteering we had to leave. So at night, Natasha had this lightbulb that we get some masking tape. For what? LOL, inside the tent all six of us were armed with a little tape and were like using kung fu speed fists to hit the 小朋友们 till we got a lot of sticky tape with wriggly insects on it... Which we tossed away. Opps!

High Es was fun :) it was most thrilling to jump off! But this instructor has this thing about after every climber completes the course, we all have to gather and tap their helmet saying "good job, well done. " guess having Gabriel and Nat in my watch wasn't exactly the best. Haha, from really tapping they turned into fists and all so when it was my turn to reach the ground... It felt like an earthquake.

Anyway, the low Es were fun too :D guess a reason why being small is fun is that I don't burden my group membs much when they lift me. I really liked the wall (though it hurts a tad bit) and spider web! The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming when we had an all-girls spotter team to transport a guy :) it was fun lol when the boys made crying baby sounds and say things like "push! I can see the head!!" "it's a boy!" Also, team spirits were really shown during the Mohawk Walk :)

Finally, like to talk about campfire because I was a concert IC with new friend fuyi and we choreographed the song (I've had) the time of my life. That song is classic and not only that, it really fulfills our feelings for camp then. Not everything was perfectly memorized and all but we still scraped though, and that was what made me most happy. I felt that we tried out est and at least most of the things were done. Afterwards, we had a group hug and I can't believe so many of us felt that little bit of water in our eyes.

Erm, would like to thank SISTER SOPHIA for being our instructor hahaha thanks for being so GL to all of us. And hitting me multiple times on my helmet. Youre really caring and they way you shoot the boys until they lose an argument was funny! Haha I quote one of them "huh after campfire take group photo? I want to get Sophia's number la!"

And I became like really good friends with Clarice, Yixin, Huizhi, Jerlin you all are cute in your own ways but of cos, awesome. I really couldnt ask for more. See you guys around! :)

By the way, all the songs on DJ dashboard was really catchy nice and all! Had fun singing along or even mutter for lyrics I don't know. :)

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