What you need:
A spoilt phone
Smart brain(s)
Great legs
Low self-esteem
Step 1: make sure you set an alarm at 6am on a Monday, because your smartphone will ended up not ringing.
Step 2: actually crawl out at an ungodly timing and rush like shit.
Step 3: experience severe Monday blues while you wear your shoes with your breakfast in your mouth.
Step 4: when you get into the car, your smart brain will yet again remind you that you have forgotten to take that piece of paper where you wrote everything you've prepared for an essay test that day.
Step 5: with your great legs, run home. Return to your fuming mum and bro 5mins later.
Step 6: run seriously late for school, reaching somewhere near the back gate at 7.53.
Step 7: RUN. Must. Reach. In. Two. Minutes.
Step 8: assembly ends. You walk off as your usual morning routine. Your smart brains will inform you that you have forgotten to take your bag along when you're halfway to class.
Step 9: your bad luck streak unfortunately, shows consistency. At 10.20, you realise you forgot to bring your choir tee for cca photo taking.
Step 10: groan, because your mum who works somewhere near school would most probably have left home circa 10am.
Step 11: remembers that your passage base test is on that day, and you have never been that good with essays anyway. Add a pinch of low-self esteem to season.
Step 12: head to auditorium at end of day to get back dreaded history papers. Hmm, let's add in "*insert adjective* voice yada-yada for an hour" here before you get back the paper as a garnish.
And that's how you make a "can't-get-any-worse day" dish, folks!
Serve while hot.
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