I still remember how I felt in the beginning of this year. I kept on telling myself that it was a new start and I'm gonna make the year worthwhile. I still remembered how "Page 1 of 366" and all subsequent numbers trended on twitter daily (and I almost spelled it as tweeter omg.) I remember feeling overjoyed when I got my first results slip of the year, which is unfortunately not counted in anything official at all.
2012 was a year of joys and setbacks. I learnt that backstabbing (it's a strong word, and different people have different definitions for it.) will be inevitable some time in your life as long as you do maintain even a single friendship. I got my first this year, unfortunately I can only say that friendship problems like this will be considered "minor" because I still have a long way to go in dhs and who knows what I'll face out in the real world someday. I absolutely hated that feeling of being extremely confused and unhappy. Feeling extremely disappointed in myself when I performed really horribly in choir and it really sucks when you have to sit out of performances. Academic disappointments also found its way into my life by mid-year because I spent so much time on cca. Mostly, bad things are mixed with feelings of angst and disappointment.
However, one problem doesn't mean the end of the world. At the same time I found great friends to keep for life and also got to know some of my classmates more through the most unexpected things. I didn't perform all songs for concert but at least I did sing, and I had a hell of a night on 25 May. I got up from my disappointments and I am happy for my eoy results. Many events also happened this year that were really fun and exciting, from lvl camp to peas to step. I also had my most extensive (not longest though) stay in China and I had so much fun and learnt a lot at the same time. I decided to choose paths and I am so thankful for Sher who brought me to the house of god and I enjoyed all my visits there. Choir year 2 inmates and epimeans would make my days. I definitely find all these moments much more worthwhile and that's what made 2012 memorable :)
It doesn't matter if you screwed up or didn't do your best, always think back on what went wrong and set your mind in the right direction. If you have had a better or great year, don't stop what you're doing.
Believe, work hard, stay positive. Happy new year :D
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