I dreamt that I was living in an apartment with a bunch of schoolmates (strangely, it's my home.) They say that you will forget your dreams within an hour of waking up, which is perhaps why I cannot exactly remember who those people were, though I vividly saw their faces in my dream. We were preparing for school, and then we walked out towards the direction of the MRT, walking all the way towards this shelter. Note that it looks exactly like the route I walk everyday, and I do walk into this shelter. I was chatting with this senior when suddenly, I realized my skirt wasn't a school skirt.
It was the same colour, but it was pleated. Flowy. It was definitely some other schools', I think I saw it somewhere before. It was long and slightly below mid-shin. In my dream, I don't exactly remember questioning myself how on earth did I walk 200m and not realise my long not-my-school skirt isn't my skirt. But I do remember going, "(pauses) This isn't my skirt." and the said senior replies, "Yeah, it isn't your skirt." while giving me a smile.
The time then was 7.10am - which was kinda late, but you won't exactly be late for school as you will reach barely on time if you walked the little faster. And I decided that there was no way I am going to wear this very long skirt to school. So I announced that I am going to run up and change.
I ran. I got into the lift, and pressed for my floor. The lift at my place as some panels of mirror with patterns on it. I was just looking at my side view on the mirror and well, still wondering how on earth did I wear this bulky skirt out. (Note: I somehow felt that that skirt grew longer? It ended up above my shoes by this point?)
A gruff voice came from behind me. I went into the lift alone.
Obviously, I was scared out of my wits. From the corner of my eyes, I could see that there was a man in the lift. An uncle with darker skin. It was as if he was irritated by how I'm, for lack of better words, "checking myself out" and was angrily scolding. You know how when people reach a certain age they will scold unreasonably and curse at the world around them? It was something like that.
But I was more frightened that there is a (ghost) behind me. I wanted to scream and cry, which surprisingly I didn't. All I know was praying that I would reach my floor very soon, and sure enough, the door opened and I dashed out fast enough to save my life. All I was thinking of was to get into my home and shut the freaking door. Guess my shock, when I walk that path in my memory and ended up at a door which I was sure enough did not look like my home of 8 years.
I mean, the door frame were the same. But my family's shoe rack was missing. There was somehow no homely feeling about that door and the corridor. I checked out the unit number.
After taking so long in the lift, I have ended up on a unit on the second floor.
At that point of time I was pretty much done with the events of my life. I thought of how I saw a man in the lift just now, and stayed in the lift long enough to travel to my floor (a double-digit) and not... by a single floor. Everything was catching up, and I was growing paranoid by the second.
I decided I should run down the stairs. It's the second floor, after all. The stairs at my block has railings in the wall where I can see the corridor leading to the lift at every level. Essentially, I should see the ground floor at the railing on the first floor. I was so, so scared that I might be trapped in this building forever. So, I really counted all my stars and thanked them all when I did see the railing, and there was an ending to the stairs, so I wasn't trapped in this creepy as hell building. Screw this skirt thing. The group of people were never going to believe my story.
Of course they were not. Because I ran out of the building and all I saw was a very abstract world, as if I walked into an xbox game (like, Legend of Zelda?). Whatever I saw, it was nothing like what should be at the ground floor. I dropped to the ground and screamed. At first, no sound came and I was scared that my voice was taken away, which made me even more exasperated but eventually I did hear myself.
Well, so after typing for so long the forget dream syndrome has indeed caught up with me. I can't remember what happened. I saw some other faces. At the end of it all, somehow, I ended up at this school hall place with a stage. There were groups of students around everywhere, and they were talking among themselves. This was normalcy compared to the rest of the dream. And I walked down the hall confidently towards somewhere.
So, after going through all the "what on earth just happened" phase and sitting up to make sense of the rollercoaster of a dream, I decided that I have to note this down somewhere and I ended up here. There was choir this morning, had a rather productive practice which left us all quite tired because we ran 2.4km for PT and did a lot of boats/walls during siepe later. Also, I was late by 15 minutes because I kinda overslept and I think our usual bubbly VP was quite upset about the latecomers. But I could sense that everyone was very tired, upset, out of sorts, long story short just alright but not at optimum. When I went home I slept for like 2 hours but I has the weirdest dreams ever. I'm sure if it's because I was really tired or anything, but it is the end of February and honestly, I don't think I have ever been so tired in my junior high days. JC really isn't a piece of cake.
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