All this took place in a nursery of a rich guy's home. He had 2 kids and this room was specially made as a playroom for them.
There was a drawing table. On it, there's a blank piece of paper.
a blank piece of paper.
And a box of colour pencils.
It had always been spending time with the box of colour pencils. Without fail.
The colour pencils were always there for the paper, all the time. And as they spent time together, the colour pencils make a point to colour the paper. Although they'd take long to fully colour the paper, they still did it. Bit by bit. They beautified the paper, and in return, the paper allows them to sharpen their tips. They were happy with each other.
Good things didn't last for a long time.
One day, a pen suddenly appeared on the drawing table.

This wasn't any normal pen. It looks really elegant; its black coat matching the paper. When it writes on the paper, its ink was beautiful and its tip goes smooth against the paper. Soon, the paper 'fell in love' with the pen. Instead of spending time with the colour pencils.. she started spending more time with this pen. Ever matched 'pen & paper' ? Well, thats what happened in this case.
The colour pencils were neglegted. They tried to colour the paper from time to time, but it would always tell them 'another day', and go on having fun with the pen. Sometimes, the children would come over and use the colour pencils - they would always forget to sharpen them after using. The colour pencils tip's were blunt; they asked if they could shade on the paper to sharpen themselves but once again.. you know the reply.
The colour pencils were hurt. Very hurt.
As the paper and pen goes lovey dovey, the paper changed alot too. Its world revolved around the Pen. Everything was about the pen. the paper would only allow the pen to write on it. Somehow, the colour pencils did not exist anymore. The paper once said "I can't live without my colour pencils. Without them, the world would be nothing." It was all a lie, the colour pencils thought.
Due to lack of care from the children and lack of concern from their only friend, one by one, the colour pencils start to get missing. Last time, the paper would have always ensured they're confortably nestled in their pencil case. But now, since it's busy with other things, it no longer takes care of that. They got misplaced by the children or rolled off the table, into a dark corner somewhere and can't be reached. Soon, most of the colour pencils were
The paper thought her life was really good..
until one day, she saw the pen having fun with the children's drawing book.
She was hurt - she thought she was the only one that mattered to the pen.
She went to confront him. And his reply was "You're only a piece of paper. When all you're sides are filled, you'll be boring. I can doodle all i want on the drawing book."
The paper was really really hurt this time. She went back to the usual drawing table, sobbing.
She was used. As she cried, she hoped for the colour pencils to come and talk to her, to comfort her.. But they didnt. She realised something was wrong and looked into the pencil box.They were'nt there anymore.
This was when she got the rude awakening. She realised that all these while.. only the pen existed to her, and not the colour pencils. She forgot to spend time with them. She forgot to essure that they were good. She forgot.. she forgot. She realised too, that
They were who she really needed.
At times she was loney, they would amuse her. When she was down, they would cheer her up. When she feels lousy, they would sit together with her and cool down. When they're playing together, it was when real memories were made. Bit by bit, she was filled up with colours. THEY filled her up with colours.
But it was too late.
She can't get them back anymore.
4 Years later. The paper had yellowed with age - All these years after her regretting chioce, she spend each day sobbing.. feeling remorseful. The children got other colour pencils too, but none of them can replace the old colour pencils she knew.
Until one day, the rich guy installed a mirror in the nursery.
The paper looked into it. She saw ..
Herself, with faded, almost gone ink.
But pencil strokes with colours still as vivid as before.
This is dedicated to someone. I thought I'd be blunt, and created this story for you.
I hope you at least understand what does the white paper, colourpencils, pens, colouring.. etcetc stand for. Lately the way you're acting a way which isn't what i , and many other people, like.
You've changed alot. You did lost alot of friends because of this. But do know that there's still a group of us who have faith in you.
On a lighter note, Hey it's Rebecca Black tomorrow! :)
"But pencil strokes with colours still as vivid as before.."