Anyway, it's been very long since I've updated, very sorry :(
Basically, 4 weeks is always too little for holidays. I might even go around on a petition to get people to sign if they agree that the holidays are speeding, and then I'll give the clip board to the traffic police. Deserves a good summon k.
This post gonna be quite dry with no picts (maybe next time..) and it's just an update.
After handover (sob :'( ) I went off with my bro and mom to China, as usual. However, instead of visiting our grandpa this time, we decided to go sightseeing as tourists at Shanghai and Beijing instead. We brought 外婆 and my aunt along as well :)
I just wanna say that I miss those two weeks of backpacking a lot :( it was seriously a fun experience. We took the plane to Shanghai and upon landing, we found out that mom's friend didn't come and fetch us :O So we being fearless tourists (lol jk) took the metro for like 30mins to this station near The Bund, apparently the only attraction my mom knew about Shanghai and therefore had us to stay near there.......... anyway, we were acting like bosses dragging two huge luggage that give off our identity as "外国人" to any Chinese who passed by. So after a tiring hour or so dragging luggage and my mom still being in high heels, we settled in of of those chain hotels, equivalent to Hotel 81 here. While you might turn your nose away in disgust, the hotel room was beyond my expectations imho. It was actually new, quite spacious, clean... cheap? HAHA, went to have dinner before we went to The Bund at night for sightseeing. I've been here when I was in P4 for shenjiamen, standing in front of the same buildings taking photos. Being back that day I seriously felt the nostalgia and had a great time looking at 东方明珠 and the seriously beautiful European buildings there omg! I think it's the bank.
The next day we went to 上海科技馆 because we didn't plan anything and I insisted that we must. It's funny how my bro and I already came on scho
ol trips and we have to be guides. I chose that place maybe because I went there on shenjiamen trip... the moment i entered the place the memories flew into me once again, I remember when we come that we had no idea where in the world to go to. That day, I knew why. That place had like 3 levels of exhibition halls. Wow so I randomly flew everywhere with my bro because the adults wanted to rest, and I was quite pleasantly surprised to see that some of the exhibitions didn't change. Had a fun day there :) After that, we went to 陈皇庙/庙街 to do some shopping and of cos queue 2 hours for xiao long bao ^^ memories~
So somewhere along the way my grandma mentioned wanting to go and see her niece (it's not exactly a niece it's a really complicated story but still considered a relative I guess) and she constantly talked about not seeing her for almost 10 years already. My mom and aunt talked about bringing us all to Hangzhou, where my partial aunt lives, in consideration of making grandma happy. And at the same time it was just a half hour train ride or so, it was very near. So that night, we took a bullet train to Hangzhou and stayed there for two nights. Hangzhou was again one of the places that I went on sjm trip so the same old feeling when we visited 西湖. I remember last time how we ate sweet potatoes from the vendors there until we were really unpresentable... whoops! My 'aunt' 's daughter is like 2 years old and freaking cute omg and she's very smart! Able to identify names of a lot of fruits haha.
We left on a six/seven hour train ride for Beijing south after that and so began our main objectives. In the next six days, we must conquer the following:
长城, 故宫, 天坛, 天安门, 毛主席纪念堂, 圆明园, 颐和园, 王府井, 鸟巢 and 水立方... not sure if there's more. Oh who can forget the awesome 烤鸭!!!
They all really fun of cos :') the great wall was actually really hard to climb, it's as steep as the beginning of Bukit Timah hill ... just all the way. Well but be climbed it under the hot afternoon sun! :D and not to mention sleeping only until 4am that day.... hehe. The historical places were great to go to, and the most (Y) comment made by my mum "不用围着那些人看皇位啦.. 电视剧里面多的是." I also met my friend Tiger after almost... 4 years I guess. Still being the very... comical person he is. For the first few nights we stayed somewhere near the bird nest and cube HAHA so we occasionally walked to the nearby Olympic park. After that, we moved to somewhere near tiantan and tiananmen. Not gonna bore you with the descriptions with each and every place... but I am very very very amazed my how metro fares are only 2 dollars in Beijing?! TWO YUAN. That's like paying forty cents for a MRT ride here to anywhere! and forty jiao for a bus ride? One yuan surcharge only for any cab you take.... I really liked that.
So lastly because we are in Beijing, my mum's friend in Tianjin told us to go over for a day since it's also a half hour train ride. Took the tianjin eye and tried 狗不理包子and 麻花 omg I would bring a whole suitcase of them back x_x
And so ended the really good days of finding my
way around the foreign place with a map in my hands, making sure we are taking the correct metro line and station, buying fruits I've never seen before and just eating a whole something-that-looks-like-a-baby-papaya in the open street (菜瓜 as grandma calls it) I realised I really had a thing about going to explore places by myself without tours. Did I mention that when we are at historical places we moved ourselves near tour guides and listen to their explanations too :P 可说是赚到了啊!
But good things have to come to an end....

Here I am back at school during June when it's June holidays. But it's quite okay la lol at least I managed to complete task assignments... just haven't really finish reading books..... nope you did not just read whatever I had written..... But I was really still in holiday mood. :/ And today, the friday of week 10, I had managed to pull myself through two tests, two project with proposals deadlines and is proud to say that I feel a load more relaxed on my shoulders now. Shall enjoy tonight after I've revised chengyu and seriously catch up on my sleep debt manz.
Piano exam is coming soon so it's time to focus :D and tomorrow, I have something... special. Not gonna reveal what it is soon, but it's a good cause I've decided to spend my leisure time in. I would really need a little luck though.
Bye! Jiayou to the world out there. LOL (Lots of love)
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