HELLO!! Feeling bored but before I sleep I should update this virtual space haha.
Just now my parents were telling me that they are going to my bro's school for a buffet. Apparently hips co wants to celebrate their successes at both Genting and hangzhou (yeah my brother is a lucky ass) so all parents were asked to go and do a concert review + 庆功宴. Then my mum said something along the lines of sigh I'll have to listen to that principal talk again.
And that brings me to what I wanted to blog today after a long-winded paragraph. I wanted to talk about the relevance of Harry potter to my life. (!!)
Just kidding not gonna do an expository essay here but my mum totally reminded me of my days in p5/6. I remember when we changed principals from the good-hearted Mrs Sum to.... yeah, everyone especially the seniors could not stand her. Being the Potterhead I was I was totally like NOOOOOOO DUMBLEDORE WHY DID YOU LET UMBRIDGE TAKE YOUR PLACE SOB SOB. As a side note, she kind of does look like a toad. If only she wears pink and keeps a blood quill...
Also, I started to remember the times when we had 相声 external vendors coming in and for a performance item we must get a partner of the opposite gender. Being very 'mature' kids then we kept on being shy and awkward about this and I started all the THIS IS THE YULE BALL PEOPLE! thing. I mean, I could really relate to the same stuff Harry, Ron and Hermione faced when they were looking for partners.
HAHAHAHAHA I CAN'T. thinking back I was really quite an immature kid I really can't believe I used act in such a '....' way. Anyway, embarrassing things are meant to be forgotten right? Right..?
I am still glad about Harry potter in my life though. It had totally spiced up things such as events in my pri sch journey man. I so need to update about the HP exhibit too :D if not, adieu.
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