Yes you heard it, Y2 EOY IS OVER AND DONE WITH!!! What a crazy year. Mugged so much harder and everything was comparatively much more difficult, and it's done with! Glad it's over and happy I placed my all!
So.. now I'm just a little paranoid that I might have unknowingly screwed up some papers... Anxious about geog, not sure if teachers are okay with my hist, lost 3 marks in chinese alrd (and it's all in mcq only leh D:), not sure if my LA essay is actually ok.. and maths! My enemy all year: didn't find answer for 18 and 19. 7 marks gone alrd ha aha ha
But no... GONNA STAY POSITIVE it's over already anyway. Isn't that the main point of this wordy post?
Spent my day on Glee and I'll read The Casual Vacancy tonight.. awwwwww yeah. Jiayou to 2E for interclass tomorrow! All the best Epimeans (◕‿◕) ~♥
Really need a good rest before planning for next year starts! It's been half a year since I last saw a movie, gosh.. Next up: PEAs, Aes nite, STEP and Class chalet too! woohoo :)
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