The Wizard and I.: October is Octover

Sunday, November 1, 2015

October is Octover

Counting down to the last 2 months of the year already.

I think there's no saying more cliched than "time flies". While you know it's true, the reality of things still hit you hard when it really rolls over.

At this instant, I'm kind of chilling-out after spending the whole day re-engineering our GPP. OP is finishing in four days? SATs in six? I think I'll spend the next few days doing a lot of tests and speaking and painting and churning up more words for Q&A. Oh, the multi-disciplinary person PW makes me.

Seniors are also beginning their big As tomorrow. How would I fare if I were them? Hmm, let's see. About 50% of content is covered this year, and I still didn't manage to get everything under my fingertips. How about learning the other 50% in half the time and twice the business and yet be expected to know the whole syllabus from head to toe? Sounds very manageable!! SH choir whatsapp chat is ringing with messages first encouraging ones and now talking about how they should sleep now, but can't. If I were them my anxiety would be through the roof. If I were them I would probably not give two shits and just go to sleep. If I were them I would get a nightmare about how I flip open that dastardly paper from Cambridge and realise I can't do a single question (if I do fall asleep, that is). If I were them I would think of this as the last GP paper in my life and enjoy writing it.

If I were them how would I feel? This standardized paper that everyone has talked about since forever, suddenly so real and right in front of my eyes.

Oh well, only one way to find out.

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