The Wizard and I.: November 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The happenings of Taiwan'13 (PART 1)

I just came back from Taiwan (yes, again) but it's a school trip this time round. I don't blog often but I feel an overwhelming urge to document my experience - I wish that I will never forget about the experiences of this trip. Looking at the photos that Mrs Ong just shared with us I really couldn't help but wish that we spent a longer time together in Taiwan and make more wonderful memories together. Why do all good things come to an end? :(

I remember day one when we gathered at Changi. It was really quite awkward at first because unlike STEP, when our student group met so many times to do research, plan performances and stuff that the trip itself was as if spent with old friends; we barely met enough for this trip and except for classmates or friends, I didn't really know the rest of the people. Walked around airport with my mum for awhile before we took group photos and entered the departure hall! 

I remember nothing much other than.. 1) While we made a stop for the toilet, some of the guys came out and when Mr Ong saw them, he went "Huh, you took the banner into the toilet?!" 2) Sherlyn appeared to be mad and said that "she is already sad that this trip is going to end" and asked "am I normal? Is this weird?" Time later was spent mostly waiting for our turn to board the plane. I ended up sitting at the very last row of seats with Sherlyn and Joyce and it was honestly very entertaining because Joyce was super paranoid about taking the plane. Having taken her last flight about 3 years ago, Joyce was convinced that the plane will crash and paid immense attention during the flight safety video to locate all the life vests and emergency exits. Anyway, I spent the flight watching "The Internship" which Angie and I were supposed to watch but tickets were sold out fast that day. (It was good!) Then, by some unknown reason I decided to go check out 步步惊心 because I never ever finished watching the series - I was left with the last two episode, but have seen spoilers before during our y2 chinese RS meetings. Afraid that I had forgotten the plot, I decided to watch from ep 33 and was surprising able to recollect most of that episode. Just when I was about to begin watching ep 34, which is "new" to me, my show was interrupted countless times to tell us that landing preparations will begin soon, so it means that the in-flight entertainment system will be switched off. Really now? :'( *why did I watch ep 33* *ugh* *angst*

Plane mates

After landing, the line to the immigration counters was really long so we queued for quite a while. The BSP people were in the line before us and we just took the chance to meet them at turning ends of the queue to chat and say hi. After being allocated to an immigration officer/counter, we had to queue yet again and there is this red line which said "Please stay behind the red line", followed by the chinese translation which involved the word "線" (in traditional chinese.) Huizhi then made the best remark I had heard all day "Oh... why do they write niao (尿) on the floor ah?"

I think the people around her (myself included) only laughed/facepalmed in disbelief for 5 minutes.

And then Huizhi claimed that there was strong resemblance between those two words and it was not her fault at all for not knowing how to read the word correctly. While waiting for the tour bus at the waiting area, Huizhi was trying to get free airport wifi while I looked around and was greatly shocked when I heard a loud cry followed by wild laughter. The cry came from Sherlyn and I actually caught a glimpse of her trying to take a group selfie and she reached so far that she fell off the edge of her seat. Apparently, she was just trying to take a picture of the people around her. But seriously, falling off your seat was just so ridiculous and extremely funny (and hence I am documenting this for future blackmail.)

Later upon reaching the hotel room, Sherlyn and I, being somewhat paranoid... decided to do things such as knocking before entering our room and making a promise that we will only say nice things after entering (heh heh heh.) We were soon distracted by how pretty the room design was! Afterward, we went on a field trip to the convenience store which is about 10000x better that what we have in sg. Heck, every convenience store in Asia is better than what we have in sg. I think if given a whole day there, we would still not have enough time to explore every nook and crook of the store. They have everything, at cheap prices, and even Joyce was carrying her scientific calculator while walking around. I bought some milk tea (including green tea milk tea!) and an umbrella. Others bought instant noodles and tea eggs, which were heavenly!

Afterwards, we were told to "gather at Mrs Ong's room to receive something" but I already knew that it was actually to celebrate yw's birthday. It was a small celebration which involved a fruit cake, birthday songs and super fail candle placement (apparently, they bought 1 and 5 candles but the one wouldn't stick, so Mr Ong had to hold it, and yw made a huge fuss out of the wishing and blowing out the candles part that it was very amusing. It was also, the bestest cake I have ever eaten - super rich cream, and for once the fruits don't taste worse than how they look. :')

Alright, there should be a part 2 coming up because I ought to sleep soon (there's choir tomorrow) and this is quite a long blog post. Thanks for reading!


Saturday, November 2, 2013

What this year means to me

Hello World.

School's out! I can't believe that the year is almost ending for all of us. Yesterday, I received my results slip and I guess I was pleasantly surprised because (a) I didn't calculate my GPA at all and (b) I guess I got slightly more than what I had expected? Anyway, I do not feel that my life revolves around results, not that I can produce perfect scores anyway. I guess that I try to put in effort in everything I do...

... erm, or maybe I had changed to think like the above meme?? Nah, I still believe that you should not give anything lesser than your best in whatever you do.

Speaking about changes, I do feel that I had changed a lot since 2011. As I looked at my GPA, I couldn't help but note an abnormal trend in my results - I actually scored highest this year. In year three, the year that every teacher had assured us that "it is perfectly normal to see a drop in your results", "it will be extremely tough trying to juggle 8+ subjects -goes on to promote taking 7 subjects-", "you guys will have to juggle CCA stuff alongside with your academics!", ironically, had been a year that I am happy with my results. (I guess it really attributes to choosing subjects that you really enjoy studying for!) Meanwhile, in year one, aka easiest year to breeze through in your dhs life, I ended up scoring top 75% and I really cannot help but cringe when I look at my year 1 results. I failed a chinese test because I missed a whole text and threw away 20 marks like that, stuff that I can score full marks in such as 成语,听写, pop quizzes, and more, I knew I didn't even try. Seriously, what was wrong with me then?

I know what was wrong with me - I was distracted. My studies, my only responsibility as a student, was neglected. Compared to how I study for things now, I bet I can say that I "did not study" in year 1. I was someone that I was not proud of, if at all. After living through my year 1 days in a blur, I only suddenly realised at almost the end of the year how much of a disappointment I was and finally woke up. It was a tight slap across the face, and it was changing for the better that was the worst. I will never want to live through those days ever again.

Okay, I don't know what was that rambling for. Anyway, on a lighter note, I did things that were rather lame to drive myself to become a better person. I lengthened my skirt, changed my spectacles, removed my.... fringe, cut away my hair (it used to be LONG!)... are you laughing/ mentally going "say whaaaaat" yet? I know, I guess I am a rather sentimental person. These gestures do mean something to me. In all, I'm glad I have my priorities straight today. *glances at year 1 records* *still cringes in disgust*

I am really excited for this holiday because it is really fully packed. I can feel the excitement already! Choir concert is coming up on 30 november, so there is a lot to learn, perfect and plan for throughout November. Meanwhile, I be away for Taiwan trip. After I come back, I will enjoy myself at concert and then go for Atelier choir concert practices, we are going to collabrate with SYC and Mr Velasco, and are potentially singing at the place which gives out $50 entry passes *hypes* not to mention in the meantime, there will be class and choir chalets!! I really cannot wait but most of all, I don't want this to ever end.


Sincerely, drowning in holiday homework.